
WKA USA Fighter of the Month

Antwain Britt

Antwain Britt

Antwain Britt

Fighter of the month – Antwain Britt
Virginia Beach, VA

Antwain Britt of Hybid Academy, Virginia Beach, has become a professional MMA fighter with a record of 9-1, as well as an amateur record of 5-0 in only two and a half years of training. A wrestler from his youth, Britt began training to get in shape and lose weight and was “hooked” after his first class with trainer Buck Grant. He cites his desire to compete as stemming from his high school wrestling background. He admires BJ Penn, Frank Mir, and Randy Couture in the MMA world; outside the MMA world, Antwain notes that his mom is his hero. His goal is to “be a huge MMA star” with the UFC or another big MMA organization. Britt continues to improve his grappling skills with coach T. C. Bobbitt and a variety of sparring partners. His gym, says Britt, is “extraordinary” and has a good mix of fighters, professional and amateur, of all different weight classes. Thus, he has a wide variety of both Thai fighters and MMA fighters with whom to train. He describes himself, before the advent of his MMA career, as “an average working stiff” who had a job working with sheet rock. Britt is currently going to school to get his degree in multimedia. With school, training, and spending time with his kids, he has little free time for himself. As to his approach to training, Britt say he trains “in a situational aspect;” he does not train for each specific fight differently, but rather looks for the weaknesses in his own game so that he can improve them. His advice to new fighters: “If you’re gonna do it, do it one hundred percent. Many people want stardom, but they aren’t willing to work for it.”