CSL and WKA sanctioned events are some of the most popular events in the country! Get your business name noticed by becoming a sponsor!
We offer many different types of sponsorship. You may sponsor individual events, or a series of events, fighters, the WKA US National team, or you may sponsor through our website. We also offer sponsorship at the local, regional, and national level and for different durations of time. Choose from different sponsorship packages to best suit your or your company’s needs.
Here are just a few of the many options you may choose as a sponsor:
Commercials on live broadcast to captive audience
TV broadcast mentions by commentators
Logo animation commercial on LCD and big screens during live fight shows
CSL and WKA and individual event website advertising
Radio advertising prior to live fight shows
Vendor booth at live fight shows
Program ads
Live mentions by event Emcee
Individual fighter sponsorship (via shorts, t-shirts, banners, etc.)
Ring or cage advertising (via cornerposts, canvas, etc.)
Company banner displayed at live fight shows
Round Card sponsor: logo on event round cards<
Company logo on event posters and flyers
Monthly event newsletter advertising
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please click here, info@wkausa.com